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Planning Board Minutes 06/15/04
JUNE 15, 2004

Members Present:        Sharon Francis – Vice-Chair; Steven Neill – Ex-Officio, Robert Beaudry, Gail Fellows, Fred Poisson, David Sussman

Alternates Present:     Roger Thibodeau

Staff Present:          David Edkins – Planning & Zoning Administrator
                        Regina Borden – Recording Secretary
                        Keith Weed – Superintendent of Highway Department

CALL TO ORDER & SEATING OF ALTERNATES:  Vice-Chair Sharon Francis called the meeting to order at 7:00 P.M.  She noted the absence of regular member Robert Frizzell and called upon Roger Thibodeau to sit in his place.


Robert Beaudry moved to approve the Minutes of the June 1, 2004, meeting as printed.  Roger Thibodeau seconded the motion.  With seven members in favor, the minutes were approved.   

ROBERT DAVIS – Preliminary Consultation re: 3 Lot Subdivision – Off Acworth Road – Map 34, Lot 41 – Zone E (Mixed Use):  Robert Davis advised the Board that he wishes to subdivide his land at 803 Acworth Road.  When he purchased the property about ten years ago the house was just a summer camp and the only access was through a right-of-way across the Bacon property.  Since then they have up-graded the house and built the garage.  About two years ago they did a land swap and acquired a fifty-foot strip of land from the Bacon’s that is now a driveway going to his house.  They plan to build a new road terminating in a cul-de-sac; from the Acworth Road to the cul-de-sac is about 600 feet.  Mr. Davis wants to subdivide the 39-acre property into three lots:  two pieces will be 12 acres each and the remaining one with the house and garage will be about 14+ acres.  Two lots will have 200+ feet of frontage on the new road and the back lot will have 65-70 feet of frontage.  The two vacant lots will be conveyed to his two daughters.  Mr. Edkins noted that to be able to use the back lot requires that it be a minimum of 200 feet wide area at the building line.   

Mr. Davis has the spec sheet for Town roads.  When the driveway was built he put in 3 feet of bank run gravel, 6 inches of crushed gravel and a wear-course of blue stone on it.  It held-up through the winter and spring, it was plowed all winter and has good drainage.  At the present time the road is up to Town standards except for the paving.  There were no soft spots; there is one culvert at the bottom and it is wide enough.  The road has a 9% grade.  The former right-of-way over the Bacon property was extinguished and no longer exists.  There is still a wood road that comes out at the Old Acworth Stage Road.  Mr. Davis stated that there are two roads in Town done with chip seal.  His road will be a low volume road and he would like to chip seal it rather than paving it.  Dave Edkins noted that the road standards require paving but the Board has some discretion over that.  Keith Weed looked at the road two weeks ago and said Bob Davis did a good job in laying out the road and the drainage is okay.  They will dig three test holes to confirm that it was built correctly.  Mr. Poisson felt that the final decision on the pavement should be left to the Selectboard as they either accept or reject new roads.

Mr. Davis noted that the property is characterized by rolling terrain with no steep slopes, no brooks or streams, etc.  In another area there are some wet spots.  He asked whether if he delineates the wetlands on the plan, would the Planning Board consider waiving the  topographical requirement for the entire parcel.  A topographical map would be very expensive for the entire 39 acres.  Mr. Beaudry asked if they can do a USGS overlay on the mylar.  Mr. Edkins made reference to the regulations and read the section on “contours”.  He suggested that, as a compromise, it show the actual topo for the road and then tie the rest into the USGS contours; that would satisfy the spirit of the regulations.  Mr. Beaudry said it would provide a cross section of the 50 feet by 600 feet road.  There was a consensus of the Planning Board that the compromise would be acceptable; they did not feel that there is a need for surveyed contours of the entire property.  Mr. Davis has a surveyor working on it, he is local and aware of the regulations.  Mr. Edkins recommended that Mr. Davis check with the Selectboard and Keith Weed on the paving question.

Master Plan:  Mr. Edkins reported that there were 21 people in attendance at the Community Goals Workshop – 17 Charlestown residents, 3 staff members of the Upper Valley Lake Sunapee Regional Planning Commission, and himself.  The turn-out was disappointing but they got almost everything accomplished and the input was good.  The group remained together rather than breaking out into smaller groups.  The timing of the meeting was unfortunate due to the time of year, as it was originally planned for the early spring.  Vicky Boundy will write up a summary of the workshop that will be made available in the community and give people a chance to respond in writing.  

Mr. Sussman asked about the survey.  Mr. Edkins responded that the UVLSRPC will do the survey with some input from the Planning Board but that will come in the next year’s program.  

Mr. Edkins received a letter with a proposal to extend the first year’s contract from July 1, 2004 to December 31, 2004.  They have indicated that they will have most of the balance of the first year’s work done by September 1st.  They will also be looking for a new contract for the second year.  The first year was to include the Community Visioning Chapter, the Build-Out Study, the Housing Chapter, the Population Chapter, the Natural Resources Chapter (at no charge), and the Natural Resources maps.  Mr. Beaudry doesn’t believe that the Town has received the attention it was supposed to; it seems we have been somewhat neglected.  Mrs. Francis said they are short-handed due to loss of staff but it seems that they still have an obligation to honor the contract and that they could hire consultants to fill in.  Dr. Grabe of CEDA raised money for the Visioning Workshop and they would like to see results.  There needs to be dialogue between them and the Board.  Mr. Edkins noted that the UVLSRPC works on a different fiscal year so that has been a small part of the problem but there has been significant slippage in the contract schedule.  The second year contract was to include a Community Attitude Survey, Economic Development Chapter, Utility and Public Services Chapter, a Community Facilities Chapter and a Transportation Chapter (also at no charge).  To date the Town has made small progress payments.  Mr. Sussman feels we need to let them know of our displeasure and ask them how they will rectify the situation.  Mr. Edkins said they asked for an extension of the first year’s contract through January 1st, 2005, but he suggested that we authorize a three-month extension with the understanding that the Town will not sign the second year’s contract until the first year is near completion; we need to see them get back on track.  Mr. Beaudry said it will be hard to ask for more money from the Finance Committee, Selectboard and voters when we don’t have anything to show for the first year.  Mr. Neill said we were told that we would have something to show for the money, he is concerned and dissatisfied.   He suggested giving them 60 days, state that we want to see something and then go from there; 90 days is too far away and close to September/ October when we begin the next budget process.  The Planning Board members agreed with the 60 days and a substantial amount of progress; at least 60% by the end of August.  Mr. Edkins suggested that in the second contract we should have certain definitive milestones for completing the work.  The first year’s contract runs through June 30th, 2004.  

It was noted that the food for the workshop from Desi’s Restaurant was wonderful.

Mr. Edkins advised that the following correspondence was received:

·       A copy of the Notice of Decision from the Zoning Board of Adjustment to Wendell R. and Nancy A. Rogers, Jr. for the Variance on Douglas Street.

·       A quarterly publication “Watermark” from the National Flood Insurance Program for 2004.  

Mr. Edkins reported that, as of today, there are no new applications for the next meeting on July 6th, however, the deadline is next Monday.

There being no other business, Mr. Poisson moved for adjournment.  Mr. Beaudry seconded the motion and, with seven members in favor, the meeting adjourned at 7:45 P.M.

Respectfully submitted,
Regina Borden, Recording Secretary                                      Minutes Filed:  6-16-04

(Note:  These are unapproved minutes.  Corrections, if necessary, may be found in the minutes of the July 6, 2004, meeting.)